Moles are a pest because they damage lawns as they dig underground tunnels.
Molehills and mole ridges spoil lawns and flower beds while their tunneling damages the roots of young plants and exposes stones that can damage lawn equipment.
The mole’s natural habitat is wooded areas but they are very comfortable in residential yards and farm fields.
How to Get Rid of Moles
A mole problem can develop quickly and cause significant damage.
Moles have litters of up to seven pups and as they mature into adults, each mole establishes its own tunnel network and digs at speeds of up to 14 or 15 feet per hour.
Little can be done to prevent moles from entering your property - all that can be done is to eradicate the problem once they have appeared.
Signs of a Mole Problem
It is unlikely that you will see moles as they rarely come above ground. But, if you do you should not approach them as they have very sharp teeth and will bite.
The first sign of a mole problem will be several mole hills or ‘ridges’ caused by tunneling.
The mole digs two types of tunnels:
Shallow tunnels just below the surface of the ground made as moles search for food. These can be seen as a raised ridge in a lawn or flower bed.
Deep mole tunnels are 4 to 16 inches underground. These tunnels cannot be seen, but mole hills are caused by the soil being cleared as the mole digs. Moles will line areas of tunnel with grass and leaves to create nests.
Moles feed on worms but supplement them with insects and their larvae. Moles have a poor metabolism and have to eat their weight in food every day which can deplete the soil of worms.
Since moles cannot put on body fat, they have to eat throughout the winter and do not hibernate. As a result, they are most active in the autumn and early spring.
Professional Mole Control
Although many homeowners struggle with do it yourself pest control products, the results are often less than satisfactory. Small problems can develop into large ones and this is when many people seek out the services of a pest control professional.
Expert Wildlife Removal Specialist technicians are skilled, experienced professionals – they are state certified, licensed applicators and are required to participate in regular training programs to maintain their expertise. They understand the habits of each species and use that knowledge when developing a control program for your home. They also have respect for you, your home, your family and your time.
At Expert Wildlife Removal Specialist, we pride ourselves on fast, responsive service every day. We are always available for emergency pest concerns that may develop and all appointments are scheduled at times that are convenient for you our customer.